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Marketing Materials

How to order SCAN Materials Online

When ordering online:
1. Log into the SCAN Agent Portal - Marketing Storefront
2. Select the county, materials, and language you wish to order
3. View your basket, review your shipping information and place your order.

An email confirmation will be sent after your order is placed. A UPS tracking number will be sent once your order is shipped.

Sign up for UPS My Choice Delivery

Broker Submission of Marketing Materials

As you know:

Marketing materials are highly regulated -- and the regulations always seem to be changing. We are here to help you!

The current regulations require materials that contain health plan information, including logos, specific product benefits, and/or sales events be submitted to CMS for approval.

Materials that promote only the general products that you or your agents sell without indicating specific plan names, such as Medicare Supplement and/or Medicare Prescription Drug Plans, do not need to be submitted to CMS.

Have your Agency send your materials to:

Email us and we will respond within 2 business days for pieces that only require approval from SCAN.

If the material needs to be submitted to CMS, the CMS approval time can be between 5 and 45 days, depending on the information included in your marketing material. Until you receive an e-mail from SCAN that contains an approval code, the material cannot be distributed.

Until you receive an e-mail from SCAN with our approval the material cannot be used or distributed.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Storefront

Why can’t I access the storefront?

As a new agent, it typically takes 2-4 days to gain Storefront access once you’ve become certified to sell SCAN. Note: make sure you are using the same email address you used to register with SCAN.

How can I update or change my personal information (name, mailing address, or phone)?

To update your personal information, click the “Edit Profile” icon on the upper right corner of the page. Or, contact the SCAN Sales Support Team. It may take 1 to 2 business days to be corrected in the system.

Can I add more than one phone number or my photo to materials/flyers?

Only a single phone number and a single photo are allowed.

Sales Event Submissions

Submission Process for Formal and Informal Sales Events

Work directly with your agency’s designated coordinator. They are responsible for processing all Event Submission requests from contracted agents. They will:

  • Complete the “SCAN Broker Sales Event Template”
  • Submit requests 10 business days in advance of the event or the event’s advertisement

SCAN’s Sales Event Coordinator will respond within two business days of receipt of the request. If accepted, an approval confirmation email will be sent. If rejected, your agency will be asked to make corrections and resubmit.

Wait for SCAN’s approval before marketing or conducting your sales event.

Note: Agents cannot submit sales events directly on their own and must be contracted with SCAN.

For additional Guidance click here

Modify or cancel a submission

In the event that you need to modify or cancel a scheduled sales event, notify your agency coordinator immediately.

  • ANY advertised event or events canceled less than 48 hrs. in advance, must have an agency representative at original event location.
  • If canceled more than 48 hrs. in advance, notify beneficiaries of cancellation by same means used to advertise event. A representative is not required to be present.

SCAN’s Sales Event Coordinator will send an email confirmation of the cancellation/modification to your agency coordinator.

Sales Event Submission Form

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